temporary colo(u)rs.

Hello, friend…

For some reason, at 11pm on July 10, someone across the street decided to light some fireworks. Now, although it is National Pina Colada Day… my guess it wasn’t in celebration of that. And to be honest, though the noise initially bothered me and left me quite confused… it was a beautiful sight. I appreciated what I saw as much as it agitated me. The noise from fireworks is jarring! But, but… they are quite beautiful.

And now my street is filled with the sounds of either police cars or an ambulance or a firetruck. And as I look across the street, cars are in the cul-de-sac for lord only knows what reason. A lot is happening on a Sunday night. The lights of the airport dance in the horizon. My dog is grumbling at something in our hallway. My left jaw still feeling the residual ache of falling SIDEWAYS in my bathroom yesterday. That’s right, I fell sideways! How? Not sure. Not sure how I gave myself the ol’cartoon cane hook around the neck from stage left and pulled myself to the ground.

But all of it, all of this, this is all temporary! It’s not a pocket I sit in often, but when I do I’m mystified by the idea. That one day people will be looking at photographs of 2022 and marveling or reminiscing about how the city looked or how we dressed etc etc. Much as I do when I look at photos from say, 1920. I sometimes stare at those photos too long, willing myself to time travel as best I can, and immerse myself in that picture. Speaking of pictures, I saw a video taken today of a backyard pool party and I watched it with a bit more intensity than planned when I clicked on it. I just sat in a pocket for a moment of seeing what I didn’t have… I don’t have a house, I don’t have pool, I don’t have this … you get the idea. By some accounts, a woman of my age who moved back home and is barely making ends meet would be a sad case to some… but then I stopped myself and said aloud “but look what you DO have”. And I have a life I love, I live a creative artistic life and I am paid to tell jokes! I’m a working comic. I have an incredible boyfriend. I am supported and encouraged by my parents and family. I am a good ally to my friends who use wheelchairs. I have a lot of love and joy in my life- my life is bright and colourful. My tattoos show my love of art. I have a lot in my life and it’s really important to me that I life my life fully, on my terms because I want what I leave behind to be of value- in my writings or my films or… I just want share the love now, each day. And enjoy each moment!

But I do, I love that this is how I spend my life. And I work really hard each day to improve on my craft, be a good teammate to those I work with. So that brief moment of being sad I didn’t have a house with a pool to invite people over to stayed as such, a brief moment. Because today a friend came by to bake cupcakes and then we told jokes at an open mic- working out the rhythms and words. As you do. And being so grateful for the opportunity to go up and try something new. As you should do.

I’ve been re-reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and the other day while riding the subway I came upon a passage about how ideas come to us and sometimes stay or float away. And how we should appreciate that they come by us at all. Anyway… I had to close my book to get out and change the line I was on from one to the other, and as I did I notice someone in very poor shape sitting on the platform floor. I don’t know if she was on drugs or just in extremely poor health, but I spotted her cup and placed a $5 dollar bill in it. I walked away, and went to open my book again as I waited for my train but I looked over at her again. And she was staring at the bill, inspecting it, feeling the paper. Noticing everything about it. She looked over at me and I nodded and raised my hand a bit as if to say, that’s for you from me. And she bowed her head and smiled before putting the bill in her coat pocket. And I opened my book back up and stared at the phrase “Gratitude, always. Always, gratitude.”

Wherever you find yourself tonight, take it in in a moment of appreciation. Put some money in a strangers hand. That might change their whole trajectory. Create some art. Stare at the stars. And most, best of all … and be grateful for this dance we get to do each day.


44: day one…

Hello, friend…

I have wrapped up my first day as a 44 year old lady. There was so much food. There were hugs. Time with family. Laughter. Love. Simple things mattering more than ever.

Time is precious. We are still navigating pandemic life. Nothing is promised but much is hoped for. Not that long ago, 12 days ago to be specific, I fell and faceplanted on concrete. I just fell- no exciting tale… my legs just decided to try something different I guess. 12 days ago I was deeply scared, but today I’m doing GREAT. And I can now take ride in ambulance off my bucket list…

But when I fell, when I saw how cut up my face was, I worried about a full schedule of shows coming up & wondered would I be okay to do them? This was not a good time to fall. But. IS there a good time to fall? It’s not like we can coordinate when we fall- Monday at 4pm works. Ya know?

Days are precious. Don’t waste them. And if life requires you to be still for a bit, be still. The shows can be rescheduled or you will learn, as I did, you will be okay to go on with the show. But you will only learn that as the next day comes… be patient.

I say this to remind myself, because I forget and I worry. I judge myself. I get angry I didn’t do x, y or zee 5 years ago. It doesn’t matter, this moment matters. Tomorrow a film I helped make is up for a big award, and as much I’m dreaming of winning the big prize, I find myself a nominee and I’m in a group that I never imagined being in. A Canadian Screen Awards Nominee. Not everyone can say that. So whatever should happen at the ceremony… I am grateful. I wanted to tell someone’s story and we did that. And now there are more stories to tell.

At various points in making the documentary, at various points in my life, I have wondered how do I get through this? This is hard. And then you get through it… and the next part is hard again. And you continue… ask for help, rinse, repeat.

Change course as needed. Listen to your gut more. Know that being happy MATTERS.

I will always be creating. Because art is precious. And telling each other’s story is important. And eating all the food on your birthday is fun!!!! And when I think back 30 years to my 14 year old self who dreamed of being a sportscaster and a music video director… while that didn’t come to fruition, look what did girl!

Look what DID!


Four pictures for 44

there’s no magic number…

Hello, friend…

Well, look at me… out two nights in a row. Look at that. And as silly as that boast may seem… it’s really nice to be home after a night out. I’m ready for more of this… I think? Yes. I am. It’s a bit of messy landscape to navigate, though. We all need to give ourselves and those we love permission to dance between comfort and caution.

But tonight was nice. My friend, my fellow nominee for a Canadian Screen Award,  Jaime and I went out for dinner and then watched a bunch of Seinfeld episodes. A moment of respite from the cold weather and the utter madness of the world.  Also, like how I just casually dropped we got nominated for a big award for our documentary? 😉 Look at me, acting super casual about a super cool honour.

Anyway. Tonight was nice.

I had a gig at Absolute Comedy this week. After two years, it was nice to see familiar faces and be on that stage again. Remembering how it felt. Feeling good that  I was there. And I got a friend to film my set. It’s never something I’ve watched back and loved to be honest. I’m so embarrassed by my shape, that I miss the joy on my face from getting to do a set. I don’t hear the laughter, I hear myself saying you’re too heavy. If only you were… Insert smaller number here.

But this time round? I enjoyed my set. I heard the laughs. I saw my smile. I did take a beat off the top to mentally zoom in on my tummy, but then I stopped. I’ve been trying to lose 10 pounds for years. And now, weeks from 44, I’m more aware than ever that this is hard work to lose weight. My body is different now. And that’s ok. I’ll still strive to be as healthy as I can be, but I’m going to really work on letting that self judgment go. Because when I don’t, I miss the joy.

I get so much joy from comedy, storytelling. Making a meal for family or friends. So how do I stop looking at the photos from those moments and not judge myself? I’m not seeing family together, I’m seeing a person who’d look better if only… look, it’s a daily task. But I am winning. ❤ And it feels so good to see the joy on my face when I’m on stage.

So, I capped off a great week with good food and friends. I got to make people laugh. I’m days away from a return to NYC. There’s much to celebrate. This moment for one… I thank you for reading this and the other entries that you do. I send my thoughts into the void here… if something sticks for you, I’m so very glad. It’s not always easy to find things to be grateful for, certain moments don’t permit the indulgence… but I’m grateful for my friends, I’m grateful for my creativity and I’m grateful I saw myself differently in that video- for once, I saw a lady who was very happy to be just where she is.


Feb 16th 2022 _ Absolute Comedy Toronto

a winter’s walk…

Hello, friend…

I just went for an evening walk… needing to stretch my legs and celebrate it not being pitch black at 4:30pm! As much as I love walking through a pile of leaves in the fall (or autumn), the crunch of walking through snow makes me so happy. It’s a childhood joy that never went away!

I remember in grade school, the building not far from where I now live… I remember on winter’s days, leaving school and delighting in the ice & snow on the playground and the sun that bounced off of it. I’d pretend for a minute as I walked home that I lived in the North. As much as the TV series Northern Exposure ignited my love for Alaska (& my crush on John Corbett), it was those wintery grade school days that got me dreaming of visiting the Yukon one day.

I wore my mask on my walk. My comfortablilty of being outside without it gone. Thanks, Omicron! You contagious asshat, you!! While strangers & some people I love roll their eyes at my cautiousness, I’m staying on Team Safety First. I know a lot of people sick with covid right now, I know a lot of people who don’t mind getting covid “to get this over with”. Look. Is it okay if I try to avoid getting sick? Is that cool with everyone?! A lot of people might get hit by a car! And as someone who has been hit by a car, I’d rather have had that not happen!!

Sure, do my knees hurt like hell when it’s about to thunder now? Yes! Would I love to gave boring normal knees that don’t predict the weather?! YES. TRUST me… as cool as it may sound to tell ya I have injury induced arthritis? It’s not cool friends.

Things are weird. Living in days of pandemic is weird. We had a test drive with SARS and I was good with that, that was enough. But noooooo… the germ game leveled the fuck up and we’re here. I’m not dating again until … I don’t fucking know!!! But I don’t feel safe, and that’s okay. Last year I traveled & that felt good and a bit of a fuck you to covid, but that was like one on one basketball. This? Now it’s like me against the Lakers! No thanks, Omicron. I’m gonna stay on the bench… in a stadium far away.

I’ll feel comfortable to leave the city again one day. Just, for me, now isn’t the time. An endemic will come eventually, and I’d like to be here when it comes. I can create solid content from home, and honestly? I will always do this because I’m committed to helping to make comedy accessible.

My own experience in my 20s was messy, it was amazing, it was hard, it was just a wonderful decade of growing pains. I’m coming to realize the 20s we’re collectively living through is going to be similar… the 1920s were the roaring 20s. They had gotten through their pandemic & went wild! I really think the 20s are meant to be a shitshow!!

And those of who make it through and see the sun set and the seasons change can look back and mutter “whatthefuckwasthat.” 😉😋


where the streets know your name.

Hello, friend…

I went downtown tonight to do a set at the acclaimed club that is Yuk Yuk’s. Hadn’t been there in a minute. Got a spot on the ProAm night. 🕺

And I was a bit early, so I took a longer walk there despite the cold night air. Walked the underground tunnel I used to take daily on my way to work. The mall underneath the city always so full & busy. Tonight? Empty. It was late but also stores gone, likely a result of the past 2 years … but one store called Jazz Casuals is still there goddammit. It’s been there since 1998. Good on ’em.

The city was oddly quiet, save for a group of people exercising while dressed as Santa outside Roy Thompson Hall. I would have taken a photo, but I was afraid if I stopped they would have made me do push-ups with them.

In January it’ll be 6 years that I’ve been doing stand-up. And I still marvel at going to a place like Yuks- knowing who I’ve seen there & knowing someone is now seeing me there. I’m still very aware of how lucky I am, and I hope to heck that never goes away. Doing this brings me joy. Full stop. Do I wish I hadn’t been the only female on the bill? Yes. My comedy life online has taught me the diversity is out there!! But. That fight can be fought tomorrow. And it will be.

Being back on my old street made me sentimental, sure. I once lived in the heart of the downtown core. But I’m grateful that I live where there is space & trees & greenery. I got to make people laugh tonight & then I get to come home to the quiet and recharge. I like the balance.

Tonight was an interesting crossing of my old life & present one. I like walking the streets and remembering where I was when I first walked that stretch of concrete … but I never stop to look back. Full steam ahead!


A wintery night downtown.

a thousand pieces

Hello, friend…

I started tackling a puzzle tonight. I haven’t bought one in years and when I spread the pieces out on the table I just looked at it and wondered “what am I doing… where on earth do I start?” Oh, have I ever thought that a few times this year. A few times over a number of years if we’re being honest. What AM I doing… But, just as I used to do when I was a Production Coordinator for TV shows… instead of looking at the week’s shooting schedule and internally screaming, I’d just break it down. What needed to be done today, what could I prepare for tomorrow. So, with the puzzle, I started with finding the edges. Started with a bit of structure. Gave myself an outline.

In a few aspects of my life I do feel a bit lost, wondering how do I get from point a to point b. I moved back home this year in the hopes of getting myself on track financially after losing my restaurant job in the pandemic. So how do I give myself some structure, while not completely abandoning my creative path. I’m pretty open with those who ask, that financially I’m not where I would like to be. Which is nothing I’m proud of of course but I’m not a bad person because of that. And that’s been a long process… of coming to terms with my poor financial planning and my inner shame because of said planning. BUT I do work I am proud of, work that gives me joy… just not so much cold hard cash. So how do I connect those pieces… get that structure… while also sticking to my brand of finding a way to fit a circle into a square.

Because I don’t read instruction manuals! I try to figure it out. And then I’ll read the instructions. I realize that this isn’t the right way to go about things, and I am actively trying to be a better listener. A better observer. My goal for 2022 is to level up and be the best person I can be. Maybe I’ll start with reading more instruction manuals. And cutting myself some slack.

I’ve also had the lyric am I living it right… it’s from a John Mayer song… on a loop in my head tonight. Jeez, are puzzles meant to be so thought provoking?! Or perhaps I just needed to sit with some thoughts and this is how I’m doing that. Life has a funny way of placing you where you need to be, after-all. I’ve also been thinking about choices made… how things seemed best to do in the moment, accepting that the moment has passed and you just did the best you could do. ‘Tis over. Move on because there’s a lot of cool shit happening right now…

I’ve been sitting for a few days with a mantra of “it’s good enough”. In therapy this week, I realized I’m needing to give myself a break and just be better in accepting things as they are. I know better now, so I need to do better. And for me, that means taking stock at the end of the day and not judging myself for whatever it is that I didn’t do. I wanted to keep at the puzzle, but after a couple hours I told myself “you’ve started, the outline is starting… this is enough for today.” It’s not that I’m settling, I’m just appreciating what I DID accomplish today and not putting what I didn’t do under a magnifying glass. And offering genuine joy (not jealousy) to friends who are hitting goals I’d like to add to my list.

Less judgement, it’s about less judgement. 🙂

Just take this all a day at a time, friends. And it’s so important to check in with yourself just as you would with a friend!

So! Tomorrow I’ll see things differently. And I’ll see where this takes me. And maybe this outline will come together… because soon after there will be a new puzzle to solve. 😉


looking around…

Hello, friend…

In a few days I’ll be back in the sky and on my way to New York City. I’ve not been in two years almost- it’s a city I know well and love deeply. A lot has happened there, a lot. I have as many childhood memories there as I do as an adult. So it feels like home, albeit one I’ve never lived in for more than two weeks.

I’d love to live there. Oh I would. But without work, a solid job, I haven’t a clue how I could afford to. I am having trouble living where I do, but Toronto isn’t an affordable city either and my relationship with money has been sketchy at best. I’m working with my therapist on trying to figure out why… but even though I have moments of thinking fuck, you’re 43… you’re screwed. Then I remember it’s never too late to change course, to do better because you know better.

As much as I’d love to be in a healthy, loving relationship with a smashing gent… I’d love to be in a healthy relationship with money too. I’ve lived a long time with the narrative that because I’m an artist I’m bad with money or bad at math. I can’t tell you how often in college I heard “oh you’re in the TV broadcasting course because you’re bad at math”. Which is such horseshit because there is SO MUCH counting!!!! Math is everywhere!!! Especially in TV… backtiming a show, creating budgets, managing your own money so you can continue to make your art.

It’s about balance. What do I need to keeping at it? Is enough coming in to continue with what is coming out? How can I make sure I am getting out to do my art and making sure I’m debt-free in 7 years? (My 50th birthday goal? Be debt free for good.)

It’s hard! It’s really hard.

In my walk yesterday, I spotted little yellow flowers growing through patches of rocks and stone. Are they weeds? Sure. Are they pretty weeds? Yes!

And then, seemingly by magic I kept seeing big batches of yellow flowers. And then as I kept walking I saw more flowers. Which, I dunno, gave me a bit of hope as I continue on… making my art & making better friends with money.


balloon hearts…

Hello, friend…

I have one more sleep until I’m back in Toronto. One last day in Burbank, one last sleep on a surprisingly comfortable pull-out couch. And then I turn back into a pumpkin. This trip to Burbank was for comedy and connecting with friends made in the year & a half we shared laughs and tears over Zoom. This trip to Burbank was to properly meet my dearest, which I finally did a week ago today. About this time that I write this, I put my hand on his shoulder and he called me his weirdo as I buckled into the seat.

TBH- I actually had just finished a draft of this blog when I accidentally erased it, but I guess that’s the Universe’s way of saying “no, no you’re not publishing that”. But as much as I was excited for the comedy portion of this adventure, I’d be lying if I said that was it. I was more excited to properly meet my love. Because after 6 months of Zoom courtship, I felt like the gal in this a-ha video:


I guess now the bad guys in the video can be called The Delta Variants?!

Anyhow. We had spoken about not connecting in person, that this was a possibility, and then closer to my arrival we both knew we would. We just knew. And it caused anxiety and a bit of tension because we’re in very uncharted waters here… our connection made in a pandemic, our homebases on the opposite sides of the continent. How the fuck does this work outside of a computer?!

The truth is, I don’t know and still don’t know.

On my flight here, I sat beside a couple that held hands and shared laughs and I wondered with it would be like to do that with my love. And a week later, I know. I know that his hair is soft, his eyes twinkle when he smiles. I know that I love how he looks wearing his glasses when he reads and I know what it’s like to steal glances at him when he doesn’t know I’m looking. I love how our hands fit, I love how our fingers interlace with ease. I know he makes me laugh so hard I nearly pee myself. And how he’ll walk on the street side of the sidewalk, because he knows his manners. I know things I didn’t know a week ago. I’m preparing to head home loving him more than I thought I could.

Our situation is far from perfect or set in stone, I don’t know what is to come, I feel like this is a season finale and am praying the networks pick us up for the fall season. I have never been more sure and more uncertain of anything in my life. My therapist told me yesterday that I have to embrace the chaos and the uncertainty… and I do. The only thing I know for sure is that I have absolutely no idea where this may go, but I bought a one way ticket so I’m taking the ride as far as it’ll take me.

Because when I think about what might make life easier romantically, get to know a guy who does not live so far away, not cry over the phone when we don’t know what we’re doing or if this is a good idea… when I think of all of that? It’s like when I would take an outfit into a change room (in those crazy before-times) and look at myself in the mirror. And you just know… no. No, I don’t like that outfit nor the thought of not working on this.

He’s made me cry. He will continue to make me cry as much as he makes my smile brighter than I thought possible. Because he’s made me feel happier than I ever thought I could possibly be after James left this world.

I always look for a heart symbol when I ask the universe if I’m on the right path, doing the right thing. And as we got off the phone today, I was sitting on a bench here in Burbank, and I turned to get up and Boom! There was a dude holding a large, pink balloon heart smiling at me.

So… tune in this fall..?


As I poured some water, it spilled and these shapes appeared. ❤

now available on record and cassette…

Hello, friend…

Tonight was a big one. The first of two nights of recording my comedy album debut! And I was lucky to be amongst friends & even luckier to do this alongside my friend and fellow comic, Desirée Walsh.

In leading up to tonight, I questioned if I should be doing this. Ignoring my experience and books of material that sit on my shelf… my inner critic was very should you really be barking up this tree? Rrrrreally?

I was invited to do this and I had to put a lot of trust in my friend asking me. He saw something I couldn’t. Faith was placed in his hand. The truth is, what I recorded tonight was a marvelous collection of where I am now… a verbal scrapbook of sorts. And while recording online didn’t permit to celebrate and hug those in the audience, it did make for a fully accessible show… and if I have learned aaaanything from my year & a half online with Desirée it’s that this needs to continue as our real and virtual worlds combine forces. We can’t go back to life exactly as it was.

(The human contact is needed, yes. But I’d be doing such a disservice to all I’ve learned if I carried on as was in Feb 2020. )

But I chose to close my set tonight in dedication to my late James. Who never got to see me do this, but who inspired me to be brave & live life as fully as possible. And I asked the universe and James to send me signs of support… and today I walked by TWO billboards with James on them.

And then when I decided to take a photo of my outfit once ready for the show, I noticed after that the Second City mug he gave me was in frame. And I just know… he’s around. Proud as fuck of all I do. Guiding me along.

Pre-show… feeling nervous, looking calm

The shirt I wore tonight I actually bought soon after he passed. James always wore white shirts, and I thought I’d treat myself to one to feel closer to him. Grief, I’ve come to learn, is a strange beast… and as strange as it sounds, his leaving was the was the light I needed. He believed in me deeply, when I didn’t in myself.

I wish he could be here to see this all. He’d fucking love it.


P.s If you would like to come to our 2nd night of recording, please grab a ticket!! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/kelly-des-record-an-album-tickets-162409690757

moving the goal line…

Hello, friend…

Not a bad sight, huh? I just walked this track a few times to clear my head and settle my thoughts. And a big track was just the spot I needed. I’ve been thinking a lot today about goals and expectations and how hard it is to please everyone…

And in these days where you are able to do x, y & z and I can only do x… I’ve been wondering about life post covid. Or at least post lockdown in Ontario, as I’m fairly confident covid is something we’re just gonna have to live with. I’m a bit nervous about getting stage time, if I will be invited or if I’ll have to just make my own stage. I’m worried about stuff that’s out of my control, really… and I know that’s really not a productive use of my time. Much like moving my life online last March… I’ll figure out how to change back when I get the greenlight.

Speaking of greenlight, my feature documentary debut will debut on Discovery+ this fall. What an achievement!! I can’t tell you how hard its been to keep that quiet, to know you have news but say no more. But its found a home. A goal achieved! Definitely a moment to relish, but also a moment to lay the groundwork for next steps and plant the seeds for a new story to tell.

It’s a strange time to plan though, here in Toronto so much is uncertain but hoped for. It’s like we’re all at the gate, waiting for the bell to bust the hell out and run that track. I love Toronto but dear lord, I’ve never wanted to get away from here more!! Life online has been good to me, I reached some comedy goals and am eager to push the line further… it’s time to see where else to go. Big dreams are to write for Fallon or SNL… just cast that net & see what I catch, ya know? Put me in coach, I got this!!!

Not comparing myself to others is a daily task, well, a frequent work on. But I try to take those dances with envy & jealousy and use it to inspire me. Pushing me to just keep at it, being fulfilled simply because I love what I do and I do it with no agenda. That way your joy shines through, hopefully inspiring others as you do your thing.

We all have a plan when we walk up to the Start line. But sometimes things don’t go to plan. Or maybe they do. But either way, we’re always moving that goal line… at least I try to keep it moving, even if it’s merely an inch. For me the thing I never want to do is stay where I am. Even if I’m not exactly sure where I’m going next, but I feel the wind pushing me that way.

I know I have the chops. I want to reach for that dream writing job, while I work on a screenplay, while I keep at it with my baking show… 💕 AND YET… tonight I walked that track as the sun set, with a hot chocolate in hand and tears in my eyes. The good news of the day tempered with unexpected news, not as pleasant.

But such is life, right?

And as I stopped to look towards the goal posts on the field, wonder if I could have done some things differently… as the sun set and I heard the melodic theme to TVs Friday Night Lights in my mind… a little boy ran up to me with a rainbow on his face mask & bright eyes and just wanted to say Hi! Hey! I just met someone else sitting on a bench!!

I laughed and told him that was pretty awesome indeed. And as I kept walking and that little boy made friends with a lady & her dog, I had a moment of remembering when I was a kid and swimmer Mark Tewksbury medaled for Canada at the Olympics. I lived blocks from where I do now, and we had a pool. And I remember heading to our pool and jumping in for a swim, imagining I’d medal next.

THAT never happened.

But. What I have done since that swim is pretty damn cool. Just gotta keep up that enthusiasm. Just gotta follow your gut. Gotta say Hi to people sitting on benches, ya know?
