
Hello, friend…

Okay. One more blog entry for 2023.

I read the fabulous blog The Isolation Journals (you should too, go subscribe here: and today, Suleika posted her Five List writing prompt.

“In place of resolutions, journal your way into the New Year with five lists.

  1. What in the last year are you proud of?
  2. What did this year leave you yearning for?
  3. What’s causing you anxiety?
  4. What resources, skills, and practices can you rely on in the coming year?
  5. What are your wildest, most harebrained ideas and dreams?”

So! Here are my answers, I encourage you to journal and answer these as well.

What in the last year are you proud of?
I am proud of the short documentary that I co-wrote and co-directed, Janelle Niles: Inconvenient (it’s streaming in Canada, hopefully more of the world in 2024). This time last year, as I was preparing to shoot the film- I was so unsure of what would happen to it and it has done SO well. I am proud of my debut comedy album coming into the world, Sugar n’ Spice & Smirnoff Ice (available on all the things- Spotify to Bandcamp). I am proud of all the comedy road miles I put in, I am proud that I did not throw-up on an extremely bumpy flight out of LA during the “HurriQuake” of 2023, I am proud of the creations I put into the world this year from podcasting to food and I am proud (and so happy) that my boyfriend decided it was time to introduce me to his kids. Having our film No Responders Left Behind screen at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum in NYC was a huge honor, only topped by people personally thanking us post screening. Seeing my name in CNN when it played on the channel this fall… then hearing my brothers band in the closing credits- huge huge pride there.

What did this year leave you yearning for?
I think 2023 left me yearning for peace- both in the world around me and personally. Personally, I put a lot of art into the world in my own little way but yet I still look to my friends and my peers and I compare. I leave 2023 yearning for peace and quiet in my brain, that I just have gratitude my offerings to the comedy world- whatever the size- happened in the first place. It’s okay not to be on any year-end lists, just as it’s okay to be on them!

What’s causing you anxiety?
Professionally, this was a good year and I’m anxious to see what I will create next. Will it be enough? I think there is nervous excitement there, because I have ideas and hopes for what my offerings for 2024 will be. And 2024 itself is causing my anxiety- the world is in a bad space and I’m worried about elections and the continuation of wars and it’s just a lot if I sit and think about it too much.

What resources, skills and practices can you rely on in the coming year?
My ability to write, to produce, to edit are all things I can rely on. When I’m in doubt, I can write- if only to clear my own head and get me back on track.

What are your wildest, most harebrained ideas and dreams?
Okay let’s go big here… Make a documentary with Questlove, write a screenplay (I have an idea and it’s a really good one!), get a series on Food Network, showcase for Just For Laughs & MAKE IT TO JFL in Montreal, take my one woman show (which is not yet written, but for the purposes of this is) to Edinburgh Fringe, get out of debt & cut up my credit cards and walk away from them knowing they are paid off… and… get a Green card so I can go get that dream job writing for Late Night with Seth Meyers in the US of A. Maybe get married? (I don’t know about that last one, really, it’s a nice idea but not a necessity… but I’d like to live with my boyfriend one day someday. That would be nice.)


My last morning in 2023 from my big bed at this Airbnb… a new year awaits…

good things

Hello, friend…

This song just popped in my head out of nowhere… I completely forgot about it, but damn it makes me happy and I think we all need a bit of joy tonight. The world is a mess! But there’s lots of good still out there… I love doing a gratitude list to remind myself of the bright spots. Here’s mine for tonight:

  1. My nephew is en route! Eventually! He is just fashionably late. He’s coming soon… 😉
  2. Late night phone chat with someone I care about this week, with a thunderstorm going on… that was good… and utterly unexpected 🙂
  3. Coffee! Always coffee.
  4. I had a GREAT stand-up set last night!
  5. The documentary I am co-producing is rolling along! We have cards on a board and a story-line written out!!
  6. Lunch with my aunt this week
  7. Taught my aunt how to update her computer software by herself… WIN
  8. There is more champagne than food in my fridge right now
  9. A feeling James was with me on the subway this week… that was nice… xo
  10. The song above xoxoxox

top 10 of 2015

In honour of my late-night hero David Letterman… I present my Top 10 List for 2015!

10. No Doubt in a Hot Air Balloon. (I’ll explain! Just before my birthday this year, I was watching an episode of Portlandia with the fellow I was dating at the time. I jokingly said to him “I’d like No Doubt in a Hot Air Balloon for my birthday”. And he showed up at my party with an LP of theirs, in a bag, with a balloon attached to it. Our relationship wasn’t meant to be, but that still makes me smile thinking about it.)

9. Learned to cook, drank a lot of wine AND had lunch with Chef Curtis Stone at this year’s Toronto Food & Wine Expo.

8. Stared into Johnny Depp’s eyes and proceeded to giggle like a schoolgirl at this year’s TIFF. 

7. THE Bat Flip.

6. Jimmy Fallon finding out something very interesting thanks to Nicole Kidman.

5. I became a regular on TMZ Live. (Trust me, I CANNOT understand why this became a thing. But! It’s a thing. And it’s been a happy surprise.)

4. Seeing The Roots live during the 2015 PanAm Games in Toronto!!!!

3. David Letterman retired. (The late night TV landscape changed drastically this year, but Letterman’s retirement? Broke my heart. This man showed me the magic of Charts & Graphs, the brilliance in stuffing a Jamba Juice with several people dressed as Spider-man and the magic of keeping it simple AND stupid.)

2. Being in NYC on September 11. (Anytime I’m in NYC it’s a special thing, the city is my 3rd home. My feet fit into the pavement there. But this year, on 9/11 my mom and I went from Ground Zero (which I hadn’t been to yet, and it brought me to tears) up to the Bronx. We graced as much of the city that day as we could, eventually making our way to Liebman’s in the Bronx for matzo ball soup & a sandwich and then heading to see the Yankees v. my Toronto Blue Jays.)

and my top moment of 2015 is…

#1. I GOT PUBLISHED in the Toronto Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


p.s. I have MANY more moments to add here, from having a hand in creating a scholarship in memory of my pal Don Berns to being on my first podcast to re-joining the team at the Patrician Grill here in Toronto… it’s been a year. I can’t wait to see where things go in 2016. And in honour of our upcoming Leap Year… let’s dance off 2015 with this: