late night baking party…

Hello, friend…

Every now and then, after a late night of working on whatever TV show I’m working on at the time… or the fact that your nephew is now in his mid 20’s suddenly makes you feel REALLY OLD… or just the need for a creative break I have something called “the late night baking party”. Named as such because it’s usually well, well, well into the evening when the baking sheets and ingredients are set out.

After all, I’m at an age where I know better than to consume sugar late at night and yet… I really don’t give a hoot.

So! Friends close by are called. RSVP’s are received.

And the late night baking party begins!!

Tonight’s creation… gluten free mint chocolate chip cookies.

I apologize in advance that the picture below is not scratch n’ sniff. But I’m sure some 16 year old is working on that as we speak.



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